Sunday, November 25, 2012

Winter Skin Blahs

Ah, tis the season for the annual dry-skin malaise to rise up.  Are you like me, and suffer with the dreaded itch-scratch cycle that will wake you in your sleep?

I have been searching for a cure for many years and tried so many different creams which never worked and this is where my best friend comes in (note: that this story is just one of the reasons we call them best friends!).  She told me about some home-made cream that her Mother had sent her and that it was a sure win for helping with winter skin.  I got to try it and honestly noticed a huge difference in the next couple of days.  

A little research on the internet yielded quite a few different sites and found a wonder blog called Living The Nourished Life, got a recipe and off the the local store for items. You can find their blog at:

I opted for buying the Organic Coconut Oil and Bergamot Essential Oil.  I whipped up the Coconut Oil with a hand mixer and then after it became nice and frothy, I added quite a few drops of the Bergamot Oil and voilà!, I had my own cream.  I started applying it starting in November, when the weather became much colder and the air, drier. (Some people say that's impossible for being in Vancouver, but honestly, at home with the heat on, it does sap out the moisture).  Anyways, I put it on after a shower, I would recommend this as you will notice a slightly oily feeling when you put it on, but amazingly after a few minutes it will sink right in.   Here's a picture from livingthenourshiredlife's blog which also turned out to what I made.  

The other thing about Coconut Oil is you can cook with it.  There are so many benefits, but one that comes to mind is helping to lower Cholesterol.  And Coconut Oil is one of the absolute best ways to treat your hair to a yummy, healthy and safe treatment for dry hair, itchy scalp or just dull tresses. Leave out the Bergamot and just put some through your hair, wrap it up or sleep on it.

Give it a try, you'll love it and sleep a lot better too.

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