Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Volunteer and Group Joining Snobbery
Like most people (not all perhaps) I like to expand my knowledge by joining sites, groups and even volunteering until lately when I had an epiphany after getting a snarky reply after sending my usual introduction and basically who I am, that I heard they are looking for people to join or to help.
And what kind of responses am I getting? Here's the latest: "Thanks for your application, but at this time, you are too new to this site/group, please apply later" and another one who said they needed volunteers to help clean up an area: "please give us the reason(s) why you feel that you would fit, what can you offer and why do you want to volunteer with us".
Seriously, to all those not-for-profits, online community groups or elite artist group, I would like to give you a personal present: Some cement shoes and a pool pass.
Sounds like I am angry, right? But wait, it is not anger, that would take way too much energy, but I am annoyed to the point of writing about it.
If you have to write a thesis about why they should pick you, it is not worth the request. People or organizations that do this should be banned and boycotted. Please note that these are not volunteer opportunities where you are working with groups of people that are vulnerable like Children, Seniors and People with Barriers. This is about asking me to come and help you pick up litter after an event, or to join a group of People who like Gibson guitars and want to share technique playing ideas.
So, in other words, stop asking if you have no intentions of opening it up for all people, not just those that have a certain look, a certain education and a certain amount of followers. (By the way, I don't really even think of people as followers, it sounds too much like a religion thing and I'm no Messiah).
Anyone else every have this happen? And I am truly asking you to "volunteer" your experience, it would be wonderful to know that someone out there has been where I have.
And what kind of responses am I getting? Here's the latest: "Thanks for your application, but at this time, you are too new to this site/group, please apply later" and another one who said they needed volunteers to help clean up an area: "please give us the reason(s) why you feel that you would fit, what can you offer and why do you want to volunteer with us".
Seriously, to all those not-for-profits, online community groups or elite artist group, I would like to give you a personal present: Some cement shoes and a pool pass.
Sounds like I am angry, right? But wait, it is not anger, that would take way too much energy, but I am annoyed to the point of writing about it.
If you have to write a thesis about why they should pick you, it is not worth the request. People or organizations that do this should be banned and boycotted. Please note that these are not volunteer opportunities where you are working with groups of people that are vulnerable like Children, Seniors and People with Barriers. This is about asking me to come and help you pick up litter after an event, or to join a group of People who like Gibson guitars and want to share technique playing ideas.
So, in other words, stop asking if you have no intentions of opening it up for all people, not just those that have a certain look, a certain education and a certain amount of followers. (By the way, I don't really even think of people as followers, it sounds too much like a religion thing and I'm no Messiah).
Anyone else every have this happen? And I am truly asking you to "volunteer" your experience, it would be wonderful to know that someone out there has been where I have.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Spacedrum by Yuki Koshimoto
Beautiful, ethereal, funky, prehistoric electronic. Love this. Have a listen. Oh, I would love to have one of these drums.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Summer Sweet Magnolia Air
Do you know what I love so much, is how nature produces the most tantalizing fragrances. For the past two weeks I have noticed a sweet aroma that seemed to waft ever so delicately through the late-night cooled air when I usually go for my walks.
I am one who loves to look at flowers, plants and trees but certainly I do not know the names of them. That is why I have a multitude of insanely smart and wonderful Friends, including the ones I have met through blogging, who are like walking Botonists. They are always teaching me something new everyday. Hey, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be growing celery right now.
I was curious though as to what this tree was that is in our complex, it was last year that I had seen it and noticed that is had massive cream-white buds and green rubber-tree shiny leafs, although I did not get a close-up look at it and did not put two-and-two together that it was even a Magnolia tree, but it is and how magnificent and aromatic it is!
The perfume has a very heavy floral scent and reminds me of the Gardenia flower. I find myself purposely wandering by those trees every day to pick up the scent and to see if there is one flower low enough for me to get a picture. No luck yet but tomorrow will be today soon enough.
And upon some research I also found the most beautiful poem about this tree. It was written by Author Helen Deutsch. It is called "The White Magnolia Tree" and it reads:
I am one who loves to look at flowers, plants and trees but certainly I do not know the names of them. That is why I have a multitude of insanely smart and wonderful Friends, including the ones I have met through blogging, who are like walking Botonists. They are always teaching me something new everyday. Hey, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be growing celery right now.
I was curious though as to what this tree was that is in our complex, it was last year that I had seen it and noticed that is had massive cream-white buds and green rubber-tree shiny leafs, although I did not get a close-up look at it and did not put two-and-two together that it was even a Magnolia tree, but it is and how magnificent and aromatic it is!
The perfume has a very heavy floral scent and reminds me of the Gardenia flower. I find myself purposely wandering by those trees every day to pick up the scent and to see if there is one flower low enough for me to get a picture. No luck yet but tomorrow will be today soon enough.
And upon some research I also found the most beautiful poem about this tree. It was written by Author Helen Deutsch. It is called "The White Magnolia Tree" and it reads:
The year when I was twenty-one,
(John that year was twenty-three)
That was the year, that was the spring,
We planted the white magnolia tree.
"This tree," said John, "shall grow with us,
And every year it will bloom anew.
This is our life. This is our love."
And the white magnolia tree grew and grew...
Oh, youth' a thing of fire and ice,
And currents that run hot and white,
And its world is as bright as the sun...
I was twenty-one...
And I wore a plume in my hat.
And we went to the movies and wept over" Stella Dallas",
And John sang "Moonlight and Roses"
(a little off-key, but very nicely really),
And we hurried through our crowded days
With beautiful plans, boundless ambitions, and golden decisions.
There is so much the young heart clamours for,
That it must have, and that it cannot live without,
And it must be all or nothing,
For aren't we the masters of creation?
Oh, valiant and untamed were we,
When we planted the white magnolia tree!
And the white magnolia grew and grew,
Holding our love within its core,
And every year it bloomed anew,
And we were twenty-one no more.
No more untamed, no more so free,
Nor so young, nor so wild and aflame were we.
Dearer to us grew other things:
Easy sleep, books, a day's quiet holiday,
Good talk beside a fire, the beauty of old faces...
We have known many things since then:
The death of a child and the bitter lesson
That a heart which breaks can mend itself again
(That it can and must be done),
And what loyalty can mean,
And how real a word like courage can become,
And that solitude can be rich and gratifying
And quite different from loneliness...
There is so little the serious heart requires:
Friends, faith, a window open to the world,
Pride in work well done,
And strength to live in a world at war
And still maintain the heart's own private peace...
Dear Heaven, I give thanks to thee
For things I did not know before,
For the wisdom of maturity,
For bread, and a roof, and for one thing more...
Thanks because I still can see
The bloom on the white magnolia tree.
(John that year was twenty-three)
That was the year, that was the spring,
We planted the white magnolia tree.
"This tree," said John, "shall grow with us,
And every year it will bloom anew.
This is our life. This is our love."
And the white magnolia tree grew and grew...
Oh, youth' a thing of fire and ice,
And currents that run hot and white,
And its world is as bright as the sun...
I was twenty-one...
And I wore a plume in my hat.
And we went to the movies and wept over" Stella Dallas",
And John sang "Moonlight and Roses"
(a little off-key, but very nicely really),
And we hurried through our crowded days
With beautiful plans, boundless ambitions, and golden decisions.
There is so much the young heart clamours for,
That it must have, and that it cannot live without,
And it must be all or nothing,
For aren't we the masters of creation?
Oh, valiant and untamed were we,
When we planted the white magnolia tree!
And the white magnolia grew and grew,
Holding our love within its core,
And every year it bloomed anew,
And we were twenty-one no more.
No more untamed, no more so free,
Nor so young, nor so wild and aflame were we.
Dearer to us grew other things:
Easy sleep, books, a day's quiet holiday,
Good talk beside a fire, the beauty of old faces...
We have known many things since then:
The death of a child and the bitter lesson
That a heart which breaks can mend itself again
(That it can and must be done),
And what loyalty can mean,
And how real a word like courage can become,
And that solitude can be rich and gratifying
And quite different from loneliness...
There is so little the serious heart requires:
Friends, faith, a window open to the world,
Pride in work well done,
And strength to live in a world at war
And still maintain the heart's own private peace...
Dear Heaven, I give thanks to thee
For things I did not know before,
For the wisdom of maturity,
For bread, and a roof, and for one thing more...
Thanks because I still can see
The bloom on the white magnolia tree.
So, here is hoping that I get to take a picture and add it to this post. For now, I will read the poem again, sip on a cup of tea and wait for sun to set.
I have updated this post to include one picture. Hard to get just the right lighting but it is still beautiful as it opens up with its' petals unfolding.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Trifari Brooch Design: What is this? Fruit, Vegetable or Crazy Octopus
Even if you do not know me, you actually may have met me or some other doppelganger while walking down a street with various shops. I am a window-shopper, a looky-loo, or a "Hey! Look at that Shiny thing!" kind of gal. Not that I spend loads of money on stuff, in fact, I am quite the opposite, I like to find a few small items, preferably collectibles and then I let them loose and set them free trying to find the right owner for them.
Recently, I have been blessed to have 3 thrift stores in close vicinity to where I work, the biggest plus is that I actually clean out my closet on a fairly regular basis, I take one or two things here and there and I see my closet shrinking. This immediately makes me really very happy! I do not keep kick-knacks and hate clutter. Having these stores also allows me to browse and look at books I would never bother to go into a store for, look at art, find a little history and on the rare occasion I may find something different or small that I find intriguing enough to buy with the thought that I will not keep it. The rule is simple, you cannot have more than 10 items that have been purchased, and if you bring 3 home, you must immediately take 3 things out.
Today, I finally found something unique, quirky and even had the name Trifari on it, it was a brooch, I am not sure what it actually is, and the debate at work is that some think it is a pineapple, some think it is maybe an Echinacea flower and others think it is an acorn. I don't know who Trifari is, but I remembered it from somewhere, certainly this item was not that inexpensive but there was something intriguing about trying to figure out what it was. So, with cell phone in hand and since I don't own a loupe, I took several pics of it so that I could enlarge the name stamped on the inside, that is how I was able to see the name.
I did some research and found so many useful sites, as far as, basic knowledge of who Trifari was and I could approximately date my piece between 1955-1969, from what it indicates my brooch would be referred to a Crown Trifari Brooch because of this stamp which has both the crown and the copyright stamp on it. I was able to find this information from a person who has a store on EBay, it was most informative on how to recognize the marks. You can find the link Trifari Vintage Jewelry: Identification and Marks
I do have a thing for brooches, my Mother wore one her whole life. It was the best piece of jewelry she owned, even if it was just costume. It was delicate, 2 birds flying together, and in the right light, little glints of gold and diamond sparkle would shine from it. I have this brooch now and I wear it as she did. I am proud to have it.
Who knows, maybe one day I will open up shop on Etsy, I probably do not have enough stock to do that though so I will stick with good old Craigslist!
So, what have you found that you think is special or unique? Have you ever found anything that you thought was just interesting and you have never given it up?
And what do you think the brooch is? Is it a fruit, vegetable, flower or octopus with a wicked allergic reaction on his head?
Recently, I have been blessed to have 3 thrift stores in close vicinity to where I work, the biggest plus is that I actually clean out my closet on a fairly regular basis, I take one or two things here and there and I see my closet shrinking. This immediately makes me really very happy! I do not keep kick-knacks and hate clutter. Having these stores also allows me to browse and look at books I would never bother to go into a store for, look at art, find a little history and on the rare occasion I may find something different or small that I find intriguing enough to buy with the thought that I will not keep it. The rule is simple, you cannot have more than 10 items that have been purchased, and if you bring 3 home, you must immediately take 3 things out.
Today, I finally found something unique, quirky and even had the name Trifari on it, it was a brooch, I am not sure what it actually is, and the debate at work is that some think it is a pineapple, some think it is maybe an Echinacea flower and others think it is an acorn. I don't know who Trifari is, but I remembered it from somewhere, certainly this item was not that inexpensive but there was something intriguing about trying to figure out what it was. So, with cell phone in hand and since I don't own a loupe, I took several pics of it so that I could enlarge the name stamped on the inside, that is how I was able to see the name.
![]() |
Trifari Goldtone Brooch |
I do have a thing for brooches, my Mother wore one her whole life. It was the best piece of jewelry she owned, even if it was just costume. It was delicate, 2 birds flying together, and in the right light, little glints of gold and diamond sparkle would shine from it. I have this brooch now and I wear it as she did. I am proud to have it.
Who knows, maybe one day I will open up shop on Etsy, I probably do not have enough stock to do that though so I will stick with good old Craigslist!
So, what have you found that you think is special or unique? Have you ever found anything that you thought was just interesting and you have never given it up?
And what do you think the brooch is? Is it a fruit, vegetable, flower or octopus with a wicked allergic reaction on his head?
Friday, July 4, 2014
What is Kindness?
How do you measure kindness? I personally do not think you can. Being kind can also be a vacuum that will suck your entire soul into it and leave your spirit bereft of anything but a bag of bones with skin thrown over it. I suppose that sounds just a tad over-the-top jaded and that is okay to think that too. There are moments in life where you should not be kind for any reason.
I think that you can certainly give too much of your entire energy to being kind. Also, I do not necessarily believe that an enlightened person is a kind person, an enlightened person is basically a know-it-all about themselves and certainly not just spiritually. This is not a negative trait, rather you become a powerful force to be reckoned with. The only boss of you, is you.
So, if there is a measure, then what is it? How do you know when enough is enough?
I think that you can certainly give too much of your entire energy to being kind. Also, I do not necessarily believe that an enlightened person is a kind person, an enlightened person is basically a know-it-all about themselves and certainly not just spiritually. This is not a negative trait, rather you become a powerful force to be reckoned with. The only boss of you, is you.
So, if there is a measure, then what is it? How do you know when enough is enough?
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